pinemere alumni
Welcome home Pinemere Alumni! After all these years we’re sure that you are still singing our camp songs and thinking about the good old days at Pinemere Camp. We hope that you enjoy our website and we hope that you’ll find a way to be an active member of our alumni. 2021 marks our 79th season and we want you to be with us when we celebrate. Please make sure to update your contact information, join the alumni association, and RSVP for any/all events! Annual membership to join the Alumni Association is $36 and includes Free admission to Alumni Day that year (and a free Alumni Day tee-shirt if you join us), a Pinemere car magnet, 10% off Pinemere Camp merchandise and 10% off Pinemere Camp sponsored retreats.
To join the Alumni Association, please click below! JOIN HERE UPDATE YOUR INFO ALUMNI DAY