frequently asked questions

Work At Pinemere
In order to be considered for a position at Pinemere, you must be at least entering your first year of college in the fall of 2014, unless you have been through Pinemere’s CIT/JC program. Our staff must be energetic, flexible, have the ability to work with others, and most importantly, LOVE to work with children.
Absolutely not! A resident summer camp requires a variety of employees to run successfully. The counselors and specialists have the primary responsibility of caring for the children, while our Support Staff are critical to the overall efficiency of the camp operation. Pinemere seeks to hire excellent staff to work in the areas of food service, maintenance, medical, and office administration. Our Support Staff are a part of our Staff Family.
Pinemere’s staff comes from as nearby as Stroudsburg PA and as far away as Israel, Europe, and Australia.
Counselors live in the bunks with the children. Staff members have their own area, but not their own room. Supervisors live in cabins by themselves or with other Supervisors. Support Staff members live in separate, single-sex dormitory-style cabins.
7:30 AM |
8:00 AM |
8:45 AM |
Cabin Clean-Up
9:15 AM-12:00 PM |
Activity Periods
12:15 PM |
1:00 PM |
Rest Hour
2:00-5:00 PM |
Activity Periods
5:00 PM |
Shower Hour
6:00 PM |
7:00 PM |
Free Play
7:45 PM |
Evening Program
9:45 PM |
Lights Out/Unit Staff Meeting
10:30 PM |
Free Time
1:00 AM |
We describe Pinemere as a “Jewish Identity” experience. Our goal is not to indoctrinate campers and staff into a particular track of Jewish study, but rather to offer a unique living experience where individuals can feel comfortable and in touch with their heritage. Our program is therefore designed to create a Jewish undercurrent, and is able to accommodate a wide range of campers and staff. Over 95% of our campers are Jewish and come from a variety of backgrounds – some practice the religion regularly, while others may be completely unaffiliated. Our staff makeup is approximately 75% Jewish and 25% non-Jewish traditionally, but this will vary from year to year. While we aspire to staff our cabins with counselors that can contribute to our childrens’ Jewish experience, our priority is to hire positive and responsible role models.
Staff have time off each day with which they can use to make phone calls, send email, take care of personal business, or just relax and watch TV. Staff also have time off most nights of the week after the children are put to bed. Programs especially for staff take place on a regular basis, such as inter- and intra-camp athletics, socials, and talent shows. Staff are granted one “Staff Night Out” each week, when they can leave camp after dinner and see a movie, go shopping, or explore the town of Stroudsburg. Pinemere will facilitate transportation on certain nights of the week.
Staff are allowed a total of five days off – three days off during the First Session and two days off during the Second Session. Pinemere will provide transportation to and from local pick-up and drop-off points for staff taking days off, as well as to the local bus lines, which can be used to visit nearby cities such as New York and Philadelphia.
Pinemere is a non-smoking camp. Smoking is not permitted on camp property.
We offer a competitive salary based on experience, qualifications, and special skills.