Row This is the unit for the younger girls, entering grades 2-6.
Hilltop This is the unit for the older girls, entering grades 7-9.
Line This is the unit for the younger boys, entering grades 2-6.
Village This is the unit for the older boys, entering grades 7-9.
Robert H. Miner Field House Pinemere’s Field House accommodates various athletic and other activities. Facilities include three regulation basketball courts, volleyball, tennis, indoor soccer, hockey and more. Also a popular area for evening and special activities.
Lake Our nine-acre lake features an Aqua Jump, boating, and other waterfront activities. In addition, the lake is used to supplement the pool area for swimming instruction. Certified lifeguards and water safety staff strictly supervise the lake at all times.
Chef Vincent Flowers Dining Hall Pinemere serves all meals family-style for the entire camp. Our camp operates kosher kitchens and offers a full nutritional and balanced menu. A salad bar is available at meals to all campers and staff, while alternative meals are available to those with certain dietary restrictions.
Pool Our half-Olympic sized pool is used for both instructional and free swim by all campers. The pool also features a separate diving area. Certified lifeguards and water safety staff strictly supervise the pool at all times.
The Green This area is the center of camp activity. During free times and regular periods, the green is utilized as both a program and social area. Three notable trees (the Apple, Upper Maple, and Lower Maple) offer permanent platforms for relaxation.
Rec Hall Our camp’s oldest program facility, the Rec Hall is used for performing arts, evening programs and much, much more. The Rec Hall has a full stage, and lighting and sound system for performance. There is a tremendous amount of camp history on display in the Rec Hall.
Counselor In Training (CIT) Unit The CIT program offers selected entering 10th graders an opportunity to experience a one-year training and leadership program. The unit houses the CIT’s, their staff, and residential facilities.
Adventure Area Featuring Team and High Challenge courses, this program facility includes a low-level ropes course, high-level challenge elements, and climbing tower. The high elements include a zip line, come-along, log walk and postman’s walk. The tower has two 25-foot climbing faces to accommodate all levels of age and ability.
Outdoor Athletic Facilities These include three tennis courts, six basketball hoops (four of which can be height-adjusted based on age and skill), softball field, ga-ga court, street hockey, beach volleyball, soccer, lacrosse fields, and more.
Staff Lounge Our staff-only building with cable television, computers with internet access, and a large projection video screen. Our staff lounge also offers a snack and drink machine.
Health Center Our on-site medical facility features full-time staff, examination areas, overnight wards, isolation rooms, and supply storage. The Health Center is air-conditioned and open 24 hours, seven days a week. Pinemere has rotating visiting physicians to supplement our full-time nursing staff.
John S. Bernheimer Conference Center This building is utilized for daily programs and rainy-day activities. Facilities include two bathrooms, kitchen, and large projection video screen.
Dell Located behind the Rec Hall, the Dell is our premier outdoor seating area. By utilizing the Rec Hall’s open stage, traditional performances and programs can be enjoyed by the entire camp, under the moon and stars.
Amphitheater This outdoor seating area can accommodate all of camp for performances, sing-alongs and campfires. This facility was constructed by Pinemere CITs.
Chapel Our Shabbat services, held on Friday evening and Saturday morning, take place here. Our program celebrates the camp’s commitment to a strong Jewish identity and values.
Specialty Areas These are activity areas that feature specialized staff instruction and supervision. Ranging from athletic to creative arts, from performing arts to outdoor education, Pinemere offers over 25 different specialties. All specialty areas are equipped with necessary materials and supplies.